Program 5 - Material Worlds
83 Minutes
Light Matter is Curated by James Hansen
Saturday November 2nd, 5:15 PM
The Interior Frontier
Justin Rhody, United States, 2023, 20 minutes
New York Premiere
The Interior Frontier operates in a confused time-state of period dress and modern society, between fact and fiction; dealing with silence as sound, the invisible war of female life, tornado as existence, and the world's largest hand dug hole. Shot on 16mm and Super-8mm film, The Interior Frontier references and was created in the same small town in Kansas as Barbara Loden's final directorial work; a 16mm educational short titled The Frontier Experience (1975).
Michael Betancourt, United States, 2024, 3 minutes
Niagara pays homage to the Hudson River School landscape painting of the same title: swirling colors and shapes evoke the grandeur of its namesake waterfall. Produced while Artist in Residence at the Institute for Electronic Arts at Alfred University, and made using Lumia, a Sandin Image Processor, and a BPMC HDK-01 digital glitch processor, the imagery evokes the flows and turbulence of falling water in motion. The continuous stream of the digital-electronic signal becomes a mirror for the flow of water and passage of light (Lumia) that is both the vehicle of presentation and the initial subject matter being transformed.
Deep Time of Latent Space
Eric Souther, United States, 2024, 10 minutes
New York Premiere
Deep Time of Latent Space relates the strata of human activity within large language models as another layer of the Anthropocene, which places AI into the realm of geological thinking that spirals into deep time and broadcasts into the future. The AI narrator takes us through the most incomprehensible moments of our history starting with the big bang, creation of earth, and the start of life. It uses its generalized knowledge to resolve our grasp of these moments into data-visualized images. It does so with confidence and a little bit of attitude, however, it tends to hallucinate. These hallucinations shine a light on what is needed to create a more ethical and accurate AI. The Jefferson Project at Lake George uses specific and local data to understand the impact of human activity on fresh water, and how to mitigate those effects. A short interview with Dr. Jeremy Farrell shares how the Jefferson Project uses machine learning to create predictive models for understanding the patterns of past and reaching into the future to assist in preservation. A useful model for understanding the value of the local and self-generated databases. Lake George was also chosen as a site of deep time and for its art historical significance. At the birth of geology in the nineteenth century the emerging science was in vogue. Many painters from the Hudson River School including John Frederick Kensett, Thomas Cole, and other painters painted portraits of rocks at the lake's shores. This point of time marks a transformative shift away from the biblical 6,000-year age of the earth to the conception of deep time that spans billions of years. Its implications allow for long-term thinking today. Another component to help guide the future of AI.
Back to the Garden of Eden
Jan Schekauski, Kenya/Germany, 2023, 11 minutes
North American Premiere
Paradise is our earth. It is located in the midst of the impressive nature and rich biodiversity of Kenya. An experimental film tells the story of Adam and Eve's earthly return to paradise with the help of a small wooden garden house that falls from the sky. Inside are two urns containing the ashes of the two bodies of the couple, who loved each other unconditionally and lived happily together in Kenya for half a century until they died together.
Shoya Group, Kazakhstan, 2024, 8 minutes
North American Premiere
"Katpar" is an alternative history of the material culture of the region between the Great Steppe and the Tien Shan mountain chain (Ural-Mongol fold belt, Hercynian and Caledonian regions). The viewers' attention is drawn to art and research materials collected in one album, showing fictional artefacts of material culture in its various manifestations - from a nail to large-scale production buildings and high-tech machines. All artefacts demonstrate the particular material forms (fold-qatpar) manifested in this region over centuries as a tension between local nature and culture.
To Discipline a Rock #2
Jiayi Chen, China, 2024, 1 minute
Unsplit double 8 film printed onto 16mm. Part of an on-going hand-process project that echos 17th century Chinese novels and the current political plights. Drifting from being controlled and out-of-control, from film negative to positive, from compositional clash and evasion, the film applies labor-intensive processes, questioning suppression choreographically. This work can be screened as a discrete cinematic work on 16mm, or as a 16mm loop installation.
Study for Three Streams (Silent Version)
Kyujae Park, South Korea, 2024, 5 minutes
North American Premiere
Study for Three Streams was filmed at Hongjecheon in Seoul, Mokgamcheon in Gwangmyeong, and Gulpocheon in Incheon. It captures the impressions of three streams in three different cities. Each of the three streams intersects and overlaps with images of the filmmaker’s own body.
Triple Loaders
Max Van Loan, United States, 2024, 4 minutes
An obsessive reverence for grime. Intimate closeups explore a laundromat in Johnson City, NY, finding beauty in the disrepair. Optically printed black & white images superimposed on their color counterparts sparkle with processing errors, fetishizing the dust, the peeling paint.
Kara Hansen, Canada, 2024, 15 minutes
USA Premiere
Semi-Precious is a portrait of my mother, a retired holistic practitioner framed through her crystals, supplements, jewelry, healing instruments, and household adornments. Handwritten labels populate the exteriors of these objects to recall thier emotional or spiritual use and are a vital remedy to her memory loss. Geologic and mortal time become enmeshed through: weathered landscapes, wrinkled hands, vibrating exercise machines, sound representations of planets, resonant quartz crystals in clock faces, and the profile of the oldest earth rock identified, the moon.